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Frequently Asked Questions

  • My organization is interested in your products & services. How should we connect with you?
    Thank you for your interest! Please contact for more information!
  • Hello! I am looking for a distributor in Singapore to distribute my products. Would HXD be interested to be our distributor?
    Please email to, perhaps we can work something out!
  • I have a compliment / complaint on one of your products. Who should I look for?
    Please contact, we would like to hear more from you!
  • Where do your products come from? Are they Parallel Imports (PI)?
    We work DIRECTLY with brand owners, factories, farms & plantations in their respective countries. We do not deal with parallel imports because such products have not been made specifically with Singapore consumers in mind. Therefore, PI products may carry risks of unapproved (by HSA, SFA, etc.) hazardous ingredients used in production or varying flavour profiles. We want our customers to enjoy the safest, best-tasting food products!
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